Organisational Excellence initiatives

FGnC Vision : To facilitate creation of an able organisation where its people are equipped with relevant excellence tools/ methodologies and drive meaningful change to grow business.

In line with its vision, FGnC have created experiential models and workshops for the specific need. 

Transformation Roadshow is aimed at creating passion and introduction of scientific models for organisation benefit. Event is highly appreciated by our client's leadership team. 

150 Minute roadshow for leadership team help create common definition of transformation and hence accelerate change.

Objective: To create passion and awareness about transformation methodologies for leadership team to enable meaningful change.

Expected outcome:

  • Acceleration of transformation journey for success of teams and individuals.
  • Create balance between degree of change, pace of transformation and investment......
  • Team should be able to achieve 20-40% improvement with no / minimal investment followed by +80% improvement when investing.
  • Transformation Maturity Assessment

- This roadshow is a social contribution from FGnC. Our way of giving back to society.

Win By Change Academy

An Academy aimed at fulfilling the change competency need for the organisation.

Its programs are rated highly by participants. 

An experiential scale based on research from FGnC.

Scale helps objectively assess the current state & recommend path for maturity.

Components include Organisation Focus, Competency and Result.

Organisation Change Competency and Employee Engagement: ICTM Model

Change is eminent and successful change requires Engaged employees at each level. However according to Gallup study “Only 8% of all Indian workers are engaged -- or involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work. The country's low percentage of engaged workers is disturbing in any economic climate. But it is particularly problematic in a downturn because Gallup research shows that employee engagement is clearly linked to a company's profitability and productivity.”

Engagement comes from fulfillment of human needs in work environment (i.e. Appreciation, Belonging and feeling of making contribution through involvement in something significant).

At FGnC when we think about Engagement and Need fulfillment, it is impossible to say which of two things existed first and which caused the other one. But we find few linkage i.e. Appreciation comes from achievement and Achievement is possible only through active involvement. Opportunity to get involved is thrown to individual who are considered competent.

 Does that mean competent employees have more opportunity to be engaged?


Our experience in varied business environment let us believe this is true. Many examples where employees considered being competent are entrusted to drive meaningful change and hence are more engaged and successful in career.


Today’s Pace of change require workforce and its leaders to acquire competency on many new areas which are different than those for which they were hired. These areas are often discovered informally and take significant time to be accepted as required competency in formal models.


 ICTM Model is derived from above theme.  Model include specific delivery customized based on the need of function and global result oriented practices.ICTM Model is derived from above theme.  Model include specific delivery customized based on the need of function and global result oriented practices.ICTM Model is derived from above theme.  Model include specific delivery customized based on the need of function and global result oriented practices.


Some of the common real life situations which are getting addressed by ICTM includes:

- Everyone doing job of one down – upward delegation of problems (building competency of problem solving)

- Lot of waste, handshakes, lag, dependency in processes. Process design is not optimal (building competency to tune eyes to catch waste)

- High Impact Activities focus is low hence productivity / desired results are not the best, (Competency on Result orientation based on DILO)

- Effectiveness of Supervisors pulling down engaged employees (Effective supervision)

- Customer / Partner focus

- Synergy between function

- Leadership buy-in is weak (Champion Workshop)Champion Workshop)Champion Workshop)

 There is many more business scenario which is getting addressed by this model.